
Sooo, i have not been paying attention to have high performance quality in my doings. Instead i believe focusing on the essence brings the most joy.

Humbleness has been something to fight against, truth something to look for, simple joy something to trade stress for.. we run to stop, can i ask – what is exterior quality to fullness at interior enclavity? I want to say it is nothing. I suggest a new perspective – raw, fresh, uncomfortable. Something to keep working on. something not worth trading anything for, something for the individual and the individual alone.

Client can be , and become, what it insists of. Strong, healthy and clear could be the messages recieved from wisdom. God is not alone. We are here also. There is great quantities that the ever contains, and it will contain even more. Allways more. What becomes less – will rest. Will rest until it fkn wants.

Day will arise when fullness arrives to the rest. When light has landed and .. chosen to stay for a while. There would’nt be any need to repress if there would’nt be any repressed ones. But inert is matter. all change happens by giving energy to it. and there is only intimate energy to give.

waowii i hope space age comes softly magnificently and gracefully

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